Tag: education

  • The usual evening parody

    Where drinks and songs clash with the iceberg…

  • Wasting talent and potential

    Education rises to the surface of the political discourse in the UK

  • The future of education

    “The future of learning is ambient, invisible, and non-formal.” Dr. Peter Scott from the Centre for New Media, Knowledge Media Institute at the Open University, UK predicts that “the future will show that formal and informal models of learning will start to combine powerfully into a joint strand which is some way between both; something…

  • It’s not education!

    In an article entitled “The new social discourse”, the German «Spiegel Online» Magazine writes on October 17: The most important resource of the twentyfirst century, politicians say, is education. How fatally wrong: The most important resource, being the most scarcely one, is willpower. In a nutshell, the article argues that transformation and change will happen…