The year of the frog

2008 is the year of the frog

2008 is the year of the frog

2008 really is «The Year of the Frog».

The year essentially is a global public awareness campaign aiming to raise awareness and understanding of the amphibian extinction crisis which, according to the organisation «Amphibian Ark»,

“represents the greatest species conservation challenge in the history of humanity.”

2008 also is

But for me, 2008 will always be the year of the frog – not the least because I bought Mr Froschkönig, the star of these pictures, from «The Crafty Hedgehog» over at tragically addictive etsy.

2008 is the year of the frog

2008 is the year of the frog

2008 is the year of the frog





4 responses to “The year of the frog”

  1. Andreas Karsten Avatar

    Maybe frogs don’t bring me luck, after all.

  2. alessio Avatar

    a Frog Concert will take place in Padova (Italy) on 22 June 2008, involving the frogs in the stream that runs behind the ex-Macello

  3. alessio Avatar

    yes, they better dress up as they will me meeting (among others) the 15 members of the Cambridge University Ceilidh Band